December 2, 2011

British media Vs. Italy: That’s Amore

I’ve been enjoying particularly reading the British press lately. Their sort of sense of democracy, possessed by definition considering they all live under the spectrum of the crown, has been reversed on Italy.  I couldn’t agree more with the blog of Marco Niada on Il Sole 24 ore, when he states that in 15 years he has never seen British media so concerned with Italian politics, usually the stereotypical article of the Economist cover more than enough their need of criticize il Bel Paese. However, something new has just happened, something they cannot understand, a Technical Government…wait wait wait Technical…wow.

I’ll just show you an ironic example of what I mean:

 Michael Fowke in his Money it’s the way: “Someone by the name of Mario Monti is taking over as prime minister of Italy, in a sort of technocratic coup d'etat. There are some idiots who think this is a good idea.

Despite the disbelief, this post shows how much he doesn’t understand Italy, the only country capable of have conquered England, incredible but true.

Mario Monti
Italy is facing a strong political crisis, and the 84% of Italian were hoping for a technical government, capable of leading Italy out of the crisis. Mr. Mario Monti has been attacked by the british media for being a man of Europe, a puppet of Goldman Sachs, in reality I just believe he is a man, and every man has his own past, our sons will judge his future.

The reality is that is never enough, first Greece, now Italy’s on the stage. Obviously impossible to be defended from all the analyst, criticizing the public debt, Berlusconi, the spread with the german bund, the corruption, the slow rate of economic increase etcetera, etcetera.

Impossible for them to get the global picture, impossible understanding a country so different and so difficult to govern. Impossible. Therefore, let’s attack Europe, they are so good at it, they don’t want to be part of it, they don’t like it, they don’t have the same currency, but they still dare to speak. The basic massage sent to Europe by the MP Nigel Farage can be shared on some point, however, how dare he saying that a technical government it’s like a puppet government?

This government it’s the only way to escape from a stagnation, from a government too exposed to scandals, women and corruption. They may be technician, but they have always carried out their job in the most effective way possible, and they have all the skills needed to bring Italy back to its splendour. They will need to be strong, stiff and move on, politician won’t like them, perhaps people won’t like them either but they need to carry on for the State own good.

Good Luck,



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