November 3, 2011


Ok now the time has come. Let’s talk a bit about Europe.

Chappate -Herald Tribune
To my mind Europe it’s a complicated Union of self-centred countries. No one feels European, a French feels French, an Italian feels Italian, a German the boss, etc. Therefore, first of all we should try to understand who rules Europe.

Let’s start considering what the German Federal Constitutional Court kept on repeating: on certain matter the German Parliament maintain full and complete sovereignty, whatever may any European organism deliberate. Thus, we all should listen to the German influent opinion, but Germany doesn’t have to listen to the European one…interesting.

A natural question arise, suggests Ernesto Galli della Loggia on Il Corriere della Sera, is it acceptable that the national interest of a Country member of the Union is effectively conditioned or even forced by foreign governments?   

The Economist Cover - 29th October
Europe main issue is that it pretends to operate as a Federation, but none of the country members completely recognize its authority. The hot topics are discussed among the principal countries’ prime ministers rather than in the European Parliament. Therefore, we don’t have an organism capable of generate a discussion for the own good of the entire Union, and everyone just represents his own interest. This lack of regulation brings the entire Union in one of the most difficult situation ever faced.
For Germany voters, strong of their economic power, which is the result of their country’s post-War economic success, exports and prudent finance, as well described by Laurence Knight on BBC news, may be difficult to accept to pay to rescue other countries debt. However, Germany can’t go back and needs Europe as much as the others. Actually a possible end of the Euro may be drastic for their economics, because it would results in having a very strong currency and being highly penalized in the export, crucial for their economic structure.

N. Sarkozy and A. Merkel
I mostly focused on Germany so far, but France isn’t that different, and they are strong ally in the ruling of Europe at the moment.

There is no solution at the moment, a debate should start, and European Citizen should be involved. Because at the moment there is no one can realistically speak for the common interest of Europe, and even if there were someone, he wouldn’t be listened.

So…good luck Europe, you are getting old and you still miss a Leader.



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